How To Post Anonymously On Facebook?

How To Post Anonymously On Facebook?

Facebook introduced its feature of anonymous posting back in the year 2017, enabling the users to share posts/content within any group without having to reveal their identity. In this article, I will be discussing how to post anonymously on facebook and more. 

Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about the same!

How Does Posting Anonymously On Facebook Work?

How Does Posting Anonymously On Facebook Work?

The Facebook Anonymous post feature is available for all platforms where Facebook is supported and syncs across all devices. To take advantage of this feature you must be a member of a group which has activated the anonymous posting feature in their group settings – to be able to use this feature. 

You need to remember the fact that while your posts are going to remain anonymous, the moderators, admins and Facebook platform are all going to still have access to your profile picture and name. This measure is set in place for maintaining the safety of groups and upholding the community standards of groups. 

Steps To Posting Anonymously On Facebook

Steps To Posting Anonymously On Facebook

The option of posting anonymously is a really valuable feature and allows one to contribute to conversations with a discreet layer of privacy. Whether you are a person who is keen on expressing your opinions or want to engage in a group without revealing your identity – the Facebook web interface offers a straight approach.

Here is a list of steps that you need to follow to be able to post anonymously on the platform of Facebook:

Step 1

Log in or sign up to your Facebook account through your favorite web browser. 

Step 2

Tap on the “Groups” option that is located on the left side of the home screen. 

Step 3

Now, you need to select the group. If you are not yet a member of the group where you want to post then you are going to have to join it first (and wait for approval from the admin of the group). 

Step 4

If you are already a member, head over to the group and tap on “Anonymous Post” located under the box labeled “Write Something”. 

Step 5

Then select “Create anonymous post”. You will now be able to write and post anything that you want without revealing your identity. 

Step 6

Now, click on “Submit” to share your content anonymously with the group. Hopefully, that answers your query on “how to post anonymously on Facebook group”!

Steps To Posting Anonymously On Your Mobile Device

Steps To Posting Anonymously On Your Mobile Device

How to post anonymously on Facebook group on iPhone? Well, here is a list of steps that you need to follow to be able to post anonymously on Facebook from your mobile device: 

Step 1

First, you need to launch the Facebook application on your mobile device. Then navigate to “menu”, by clicking on the three horizontal lines (located below), and select “Groups”. From here you need to click on the group where you want to be able to post anonymously.

Step 2

Now, you need to click on the “Write Something”/”Compose Post” section and tap on the “Anonymous Post” option that will be located below. 

Step 3

Here, you will get a “pop-up” on your screen informing you that your post needs to be reviewed and approved before publication. Click on the “I want to post anonymously” and you are done. 

Step 4

When typing your post toggle the button “on” for “Post Anonymously” and then create your post. Click on “Post” for publishing it then. 

Keep reading till the end to find out even more information on it!

Not Getting The Option To Post Anonymously On Facebook?

Not Getting The Option To Post Anonymously On Facebook?

Even after following the steps mentioned above if you are not able to post anonymously on Facebook then there could be a few different reasons why! One reason could be that you still haven’t got the option available by Facebook for your account. Or it could also be due to the region where you live. 

There’s also the possibility that the Facebook group you are in does not enable its members to be able to post anonymously on the platform on Facebook. 

Not Being Able To Join A Group Itself?

Sometimes, it happens that you are not able to participate in a group itself. This could happen for any of the following two reasons. Either the admin put you on hold and limited how frequently you can post and slowed down your comments on a particular post. 

Or it could be that Facebook itself put a hold on your group activity. This means that the posts need to get approved first by the group admins as you have broken some kind of Facebook rules prior to this.

To Wrap It Up!

To Wrap It Up!

Posting anonymously on Facebook still records your identity so make sure that you are not sharing any such type of information that jeopardizes your privacy. 

Also do not take this feature as a chance to post mean things, as Facebook still gets to see your name when reviewing your post and can ban your account for life. Henc, you must refrain from using this feature for malicious purposes.

Thank you for reading up till the end of this article. I hope you found the information regarding “how to post anonymously on Facebook” to be useful.

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